I like: islands, collecting unique jars to collect a collection inside, mspaint mspaint, :recursion, anything meta, cross stitches, needle points, cooking a fancy lil spicy meal, strong flavours, going to internation village mall (aka: :tinseltown), auditory illusions, lingustics, animal comunication, toki pona, site specific art, ascii art, floral patterns, reading wikipedia everyday, old advertisements with the things they're advertising cut out, theramins, harps, conway's game of life, trees, tamarind candies, cinnamon, nutmeg, kuchela, my friends, pretending the world is a giant circus ball I'm rolling around when I walk, challenging puzzles, nectarines, slightly flat ginger ale, lingering at the door for a few minutes when saying goodbye, specific theme parties, weird lil videogames, journaling when I get around to it, learning new things, the smell of cedar, the smell of the exhuast from the dryer, the smell of frozen baked goods, halva, an ecentric bathroom or car interior, bush-wacking, a waterfall, an interesting foyer/ mid way room before the outdoors, a long running bit, platypus the animal, laughing, looking at rocks (I'm trying to reform from taking too many from the beach), trying a new fruit, :nutshelltest bengal spice tea, and improv music.
